SafeMove Portable Security is a secure, special-purpose Linux desktop environment for organisations with high security needs.

SafeMove Portable Security is a hardened Linux desktop bootable from a USB memory stick. The solution integrates Birdstep’s high-class SafeMove Mobile VPN to provide instant, zero-click network connectivity and IPsec security with strong data leak prevention guarantees.

Unique Security Solution

SafeMove Portable Security so­lution can be deployed for several specific use cases, including:

  • To handle information from multiple data classification levels within the same equipment, e.g. workstation installation classified to one level and SafeMove Portable Security desktop to another
  • To rapidly deliver and secure highly sensitive information required during states of emergency, such as a pan­demic or wide-spread epidemic
  • To enable cross-agency remote access, e.g. one government agency provides limited access to personnel from another agency while enforcing established security policies (Virtual Government Furbished Equipment)

SafeMove Portable Security comes as a fully secure end-node bootable from the USB. It is secured with hardware encryption, in ruggedized casing and PIN entry on the device. It is also waterproof and dustproof. Running under the open source Linux operating system, it is powered by Sa­feMove Mobile VPN (IPsec + Mobile IP) and utilizes the best available network at a given time (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, cellular data, or sa­tellite).

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